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Date Of Birth
We use this information to confirm your residential status at the address above
Please let us know if an individual or company has referred you to Lumos Renewables.
What type of property are you applying for?
What is your relationship to the property?
This will confirm eligibility on this property
What products are you interested in?
Select all applicable
What are the main sources of heating in the property?
Select all applicable
Has the property had any of the following upgrades in the last 10 years?
Select all applicable
Bedrooms: 1
This allows us to identify the best measures for your property
Combined income below £31,000 may entitle you to increased levels of property upgrades
If you are in receipt of benefits or government support you may be entitled to an increased level of property upgrades
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please upload any supporting documentation relevent to your application (property images, government support evidence etc.)
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